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February 2023
Monthly Shabbat Service
Please do join us for our monthly Shabbat morning service led by student Rabbi Hannah with members of our community. This will be a hybrid service both at the Old Meeting House and via zoom streaming to enable everyone to attend. Details, including the Zoom link, will be circulated in advance to members and friends. We welcome people to join us on our Shabbat morning service, either online or in person, please get in touch phoning 0746-849472 or through contact…
Find out more »March 2023
Monthly Shabbat Service
Please do join us for our monthly Shabbat morning service led by student Rabbi Hannah with members of our community. This will be a hybrid service both at the Old Meeting House (OMH) and via zoom streaming to enable everyone to attend. Details, including the Zoom link, will be circulated in advance to members and friends. If you are joining us in-person, the OMH will be open before 11am to meet others; if you are joining us online, the Zoom…
Find out more »May 2023
Monthly Shabbat Service
Please do join us for our monthly Shabbat morning service led by student Rabbi Hannah with members of our community. This will be a hybrid service both at the Old Meeting House (OMH) and via zoom streaming to enable everyone to attend. Details, including the Zoom link, will be circulated in advance to members and friends. If you are joining us in-person, the OMH will be open before 11am to meet others; if you are joining us online, the Zoom…
Find out more »June 2023
Monthly Shabbat Service
Please do join us for our monthly Shabbat morning service led by student Rabbi Hannah with members of our community. This will be a hybrid service both at the Old Meeting House (OMH) and via zoom streaming to enable everyone to attend. Details, including the Zoom link, will be circulated in advance to members and friends. If you are joining us in-person, the OMH will be open before 11am to meet others; if you are joining us online, the Zoom…
Find out more »July 2023
Monthly Shabbat Service
On this day we will be having our Summer Shabbat morning service and lunch. We look forward to seeing you. If you wish to attend, please do get in touch with us via Online Contact Form
Find out more »September 2023
Shabbat Service
9:45am - in the Beit Midrash, we will study the tradition of Selichot. We will look at the possible outline of the service, but also reflect on different understandings of forgiveness and repentance. 10:45am - Lilmod (cheder). Topic: High Holy Days 11:30 - Selichot, followed by Shacharit (Service2). Torah: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11. Haftarah: t.b.c.
Find out more »October 2023
Interfaith Sukkot
Please join us to celebrate Simchat Sukkot v’Torah at the Old Meeting House. The morning will incorporate a service led by Margaret Jacobi, recently retired from Birmingham. 11:30-1:00pm: Interfaith Sukkot Service in the courtyard outside the OMH. There will not be a Beit Midrash session and there will be no Cheder. For more information or join, contact us.
Find out more »November 2023
Shabbat Service
9:45am - Beit Midrash study session. 10:45am - Lilmod (cheder). 11:30 - Monthly Shabbat Service. Services are in-person and online using Zoom. To join, please contact us.
Find out more »December 2023
Shabbat Service
9:45am - Beit Midrash study session. 11:00 - This month's Shabbat service at the OMH in Norwich will be a family-oriented "Chanukah Shabbat" service. Kiddush will be provided with Sufganiyot (donuts). It will be followed by Alisha's Bat Mitzvah near Ipswich at 4pm. Further details will be shared with members. To join in-person or online, please contact us.
Find out more »January 2024
Shabbat Service
This is our monthly morning Shabbat Service: 9:45 Beit Midrash/House of Study/Torah (OMH only – Not on Zoom) 11:30 Shacharit (at the OMH and on Zoom). For Zoom link, contact us.
Find out more »