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February 2021
Please feel free to join Rabbi Anna and us with other communities for Purim. Let's have lotsa - Colour - dress up Noise - bring or make your favourite noisemaker gragger Purim Shpiel join in Rabbi Anna's if you want - roles will be handed out !!! Haman Taschen - make 'em or buy 'em Contact us if you wish to join us.
Find out more »March 2021
Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. Members and friends of NLJC will receive information about the AGM and the Zoom link by email nearer the time. If you have any questions about the AGM, please do contact us.
Find out more »Pesach Seder
It is hoped we can hold a communal Seder, but it remains too early to plan. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is likely our Seder will be streamed live using Zoom, as last year. Links will be circulated to members and friends. Contact us if you wish to join us.
Find out more »May 2021
This calendar entry is a placeholder. Planning for Shavuot is still underway. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is too early to say if this event will be celebrated using Zoom. If so, links will be circulated to members and friends. Contact us if you wish to join us.
Find out more »September 2021
Erev Rosh Hashanah
We will be holding hybrid (in-person and on Zoom) services to enable people to attend services in the most comfortable way for them. Members and friends will receive all the necessary details by email in advance. Plese do Contact us if you require more information, or you would like to join us for Erev Rosh Hashanah.
Find out more »November 2021
Chanukah Fayre
This is our annual Chanukah Fayre. A very popular community event. Here’s a brief overview: We will have up to 9 tables of items and this year we’ll have a tombola and raffle. We will sell great classical CDs and good books and some crafty things. The extra specials are, of course, the Jewish features, information boards about the history of Jews in Norfolk and our current congregations, which you may not have seen; festival food & maybe what you…
Find out more »February 2022
Monthly Shabbat Service
Please join us for our monthly Shabbat morning service led by Student Rabbi Hannah Altorf. It will be a Zoom only service. Details, including the Zoom link, with be circulated to members and friends. All being well we hope the March service will be hybrid - in person and via Zoom. Please join us with Student Rabbi Dr Hannah Altorf for our monthly services. Here are links to the Torah and Haftorah readings: Torah and Haftarah readings: Exodus 29:1-9…
Find out more »April 2023
Passover Matzoh Ramble
Please join our Rabbi and our community for a relaxing social amble and get together on the day after our 2nd evening Pesach Seder. You never know - there might be some matzoh goodies or afikomen to locate. More precise details will be provided nearer the time including the location.
Find out more »October 2023
Candle Lighting
As we see the terrible situation unfold in Israel, we need our community more than ever. We need those moments in which we can be together to pray, to learn, to speak. The simple act of lighting the candles on Friday night offers just such a moment. Join Student Rabbi Hannah at 8pm, Friday 13th October on Zoom. Contact us for the Zoom link. Additionally, you may wish to read LJ's "Statement and Prayers for Israel from Progressive clergy", if…
Find out more »March 2024
Annual General Meeting
This is our AGM where we review the past year and elect members of our community to Council. Members and friends on our emailing list will receive the required notices, papers, and Zoom link to attend the AGM. The AGM will be held on Zoom only. Any queries about this AGM, please contact us.
Find out more »